Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Kayhi Fight Song Practice w/ out Stunts

Please watch yourself and answer the following questions:

Are you motions tight and crisp?

How do your motions and body movements compare to the rest of the team?

Are you smiling THE WHOLE TIME?

Where are your eyes looking?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cheer Coaches Clinic Nov. 13-15th


Thursday practice 3:10-?
This may go long since we have Ronelle. Be prepared to stay late and bring a snack to eat before practice. And plenty of WATER!

Friday 6pm:
Serving dinner to the coaches? This is a maybe.

Saturday: 10:30am.
EAT BREAKFAST before you come. Please be in the Aux by 10:30. We will go long on this practice too since we have 7 coaches that need to certify in stunting progression and want to help you guys! Lunch will be provided, but bring lots of water.

See you this weekend!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


MONDAY, November 3:
Parent Party (okay it's a meeting too)
Please bring an appetizer to share to
The Cedars Lodge at 5:30 pm
On the Agenda:
Team Fees
Season Schedule
FRIDAY, November 7:
The Cedars Lodge
Bring with you:
Sleeping Bag & Pillow
Snacks to share
Swim Suite

Monday, September 22, 2008



Friday, August 29, 2008


This is what the embroidery looks like that I chose for the Warm-up Jackets. These will arrive mid-October.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

To be ordered A.S.A.P.

These are the Nike Sideline Cheer Shoes that we will be wearing this year. Please get them ordered as soon as possible. You can order them from

FREE SHIPPING on orders over $100. Enter the code: TFSM8 to get free shipping.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Strong Cheerleader Work Out

To be done AT LEAST 3 Times a week......

POP SQUATS: 2 sets of 25
From a standing position, jump out to a squatting position (knees not poking over toes and at a 90 degree angle w/ a flat, upright back) then jump back to standing.

PUSH-UPS: 2 sets of 20

LUNGES: 2 sets of 25

UP & DOWNS: 2 sets of 10
From a standing position, bend down and touch the floor, jump your feet out to plank (a push-up position), Do a push-up, jump your feet apart, then back together (in plank), then jump your feet back to your hands and stand up for 1 Up & Down.

SIT-UP SETS: 2 sets
25 Russian Twists, 25 crunches, 25 lower-ab crunches= 1 set
Do all three of these types of cruches without stopping to equal one set.

TOE TOUCH LEG LIFTS: 20 each side
Sitting in a V stretch, placing both hands in front of you and keeping your back strait, lift one leg 3-4 inches off the floor 20 times, switch to the other leg and do 20 lifts, and then lift both legs at the same time 20 times.

CARDIO: 20 min.
Running, SPEED-walking, aerobics, biking, dancing, swimming, hiking.....whatever you like to do, just get your heart rate up for 20 min.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Too Cute not to post

Jolynda: A.K.A. Gumby

Danielle, Bekah, and Jolynda before a game

Pizza Party in Juneau

End of the year party

The "HA" game

We broke into 3 groups and raced around town trying to take pictures of our groups doing specific cheerleading actions with specific backgrounds. Here are a few of the pictures:

Bekah, Kayla, Jenny, and Jonika doing Heel Stretches with an eagle in the background

Spell KHS with your bodies in front of the Rec Center

Friday, March 14, 2008

Cheerleading with the Brownies

Retro Divas

Thanks to those of you who could make it to the Brownie Troop meeting on Tuesday, they had a great time!

W-I-N! C'mon Kings WIN!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Regional tournament pictures!

Right after getting off the ferry in Juneau we were asked to pose for a picture for the Juneau Empire. Here is the address to view the picture!

Great job at the tournament!

Here is the website for Fitzgerald Photography. If you select a picture you can press play above it and watch a slide show of all the pictures. They are very fun! You can also order prints from this website.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008



A picture speaks a thousand words........please spend some time in front of a mirror with these motions. Also, as you are cheering, please watch your neighbors with your peripheral vision to make sure your timing is right.

Look at the different arm placement... Blurry, but cute!
Good Ripple, but look at your broken T Pretty much together...

Rebound or are we resting our arms? Cute, but you need to hold your bodies the same.

Look at the elbow height, close, but not the same. Great form Sara, Danielle, & Jolynda!

Elbows, fists, and arms.

Not sure.....any ideas what this is?