Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Strong Cheerleader Work Out

To be done AT LEAST 3 Times a week......

POP SQUATS: 2 sets of 25
From a standing position, jump out to a squatting position (knees not poking over toes and at a 90 degree angle w/ a flat, upright back) then jump back to standing.

PUSH-UPS: 2 sets of 20

LUNGES: 2 sets of 25

UP & DOWNS: 2 sets of 10
From a standing position, bend down and touch the floor, jump your feet out to plank (a push-up position), Do a push-up, jump your feet apart, then back together (in plank), then jump your feet back to your hands and stand up for 1 Up & Down.

SIT-UP SETS: 2 sets
25 Russian Twists, 25 crunches, 25 lower-ab crunches= 1 set
Do all three of these types of cruches without stopping to equal one set.

TOE TOUCH LEG LIFTS: 20 each side
Sitting in a V stretch, placing both hands in front of you and keeping your back strait, lift one leg 3-4 inches off the floor 20 times, switch to the other leg and do 20 lifts, and then lift both legs at the same time 20 times.

CARDIO: 20 min.
Running, SPEED-walking, aerobics, biking, dancing, swimming, hiking.....whatever you like to do, just get your heart rate up for 20 min.

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