Monday, January 14, 2008

Action Shots. Kayhi vs. Sitka 1/12/2008

Look at your hand and arm placement along with the distance between your feet. Are you matching?

Any ideas what cheer this is?
Not even two people are doing the same thing!

Defense! Take it Away!
Make sure you are watching out of the corner of your eye to be exactly the same as your neighbor.

Starting 5
Good toe touches.
Are your toes pointed?
Are you bringing your legs to your body or your body to your legs?
How is your arm placement?

Hey! Who's gonna win this game?


JolyndaRaylene said...

on the second picture im pretty sure its starting 5.

Kayhi Cheerleaders said...

If it is starting 5 then you guys are doing a good job of rallying!

Unknown said...

First picture: Bekah, you need to pay attention to how you stand.
Second picture: Jonika, you need to retrain your body to ralley with your right arm, that way you won't stick out in pictures.
Third picture: Looks really good.
Fourth picture: Awesome jumps, Caitlyn where did you come from?
Fifth picture: I think the picture says enough.